Watercolour course online

Watercolour Course Online in English

Here you will find a list courses: 

Watercolour course divided by levels

Complete Watercolour Portrait Tutorial

Watercolour Course online - 9 lesson, 3 levels

This Watercolour Course online has 3 levels: basic level, intermediate and advance. Each level has 3 lessons, 9 lessons in total. The duration of each lesson is between 1.5 and 2 hours.

In this course, you will learn the watercolour technique by following a guided process, starting by the basics.

We will see how to use the watercolours, the colour management, understand how to work wet on wet, wet on dry. We will start by the creation of the sketch where you can tell a story through a painting. You will learn about composition, tonal values, perspective…

During the 9 lessons, we will see different themes, landscapes, figures, flowers, sea, a portrait and an animal.

I have created a free lesson called lesson zero where I do an introduction of the course, I explain my materials and a demonstration on how to use watercolours using several paper conditions, with very wet paper, medium wet and dry and at the same time using different brushes. 


The complete course: 130 euros – 9 lessons in total.
A single level 50 euros. Each level has 3 lessons

Price: 50 €

Base level Lesson 1

Base level

Lesson 1. In this lesson, you will learn how to work wet on wet while painting cards. We will wet the paper on both sides. You will learn about tonal values and composition. We will do a card with a castle in the mist, a card of mountains with depth and a card with boats

Lesson 2. In this lesson, you will learn about 8 types of floral compositions. After we will do a complete watercolour of Poppies and a complete watercolour of a Magnolia

Lesson 3. In this lesson, you learn about one-point perspective and composition. We will do an urban sketch with figures ( drawing and tonal values) and then complete the watercolour in black and white.

Price: 50 €

Intermediate level

Lesson 4. In this lesson we will paint the sea. You will learn how to create a composition study on watercolours using some reference photos. Then we will develope two watercolour paiting choosing the two best options. This lesson last about two hours.

Lesson 5. In this lesson, you will learn how to do a Hydrangea. We start with the composition study and then complete watercolour painting.

Lesson 6. In this lesson, you learn how to paint human figures. We will do a complete watercolour painting of a woman and a boy in a landscape using only two colours.

Price: 50 €

Advance level

Lesson 7. In this lesson, you will learn about the two-point perspective. We start by working on a sketch to prepare our tonal values and composition study. We will use two different photos for our final watercolour painting.

Lesson 8. In this lesson, you will learn how to paint a portrait and the hands. We will start with the sketch before our watercolour painting

Lesson 9. In this lesson, you will learn how to do an animal working wet on wet. We start by the skech using a reference photo before our final watercolour painting.

Buy the entire course for 130 €

Complete course

Complete Watercolour portrait tutorial

Portrait Tutorial

This is a complete portrait tutorial

Duration 5 hours

For more information:


This courses areonly available in English. It will be available in Italian soon.

Interested in my next Watercolour Painting Holiday in Tuscany? See below

Watercolour Painting Holidays in Italy

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